Essential Insulin Accessories a Diabetic Cannot Live Without

If you're a diabetic, you'll realize that hygiene and sanitation are important aspect of your lifestyle. And this goes to say that apart from proper disposal of used needles a diabetic needs cotton swabs, alcohol wipes and insulin syringes. How do you keep them organized and maintain them as sterile and safe? How would you keep your insulin cool and potent?

How to Live and Cope With a Diabetic Child

If your child is diagnosed with diabetes, there is no need for you to be in distress. Juvenile diabetes is caused by genetic reasons most of the time, which explain why the parents don't get it even if they keep to almost the same diet at home with the child. The good news about juvenile diabetes is that it is a manageable disease if the child gets the right treatment.

How I Learned to Live With Juvenile Diabetes

Do you know someone that has just been diagnosed with diabetes? Here's the experiences of one teenager and how they learned to cope with being diabetic, using an insulin pump and so much more - that teenager is me!

Live Longer - Learn How to Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is the 6th leading cause of death in the US. When diabetes is left untreated it often leads to many other health complications. If you or someone you care about has been recently diagnosed with diabetes, this article will give you some foundational information to help you learn what you can do to keep this disease from deteriorating your quality of life.

Special Diabetic Diet-How To Live Healthily Again By Eating The Right Food

What exactly is a "diabetic diet"? Diabetic diets are not related to fad weight-loss diets. The word "diet" actually just refers to the food that a person eats each day. Everyone in the world who is eating is on a diet! It's kind of a surprising concept, actually. There is actually no such thing as a single "diabetic diet", because the diet that a person with diabetes follows to help manage his or her blood sugar levels is based on the same nutrition principles that any healthy person, with or without diabetes, should follow for good health.

How To Live Well With Diabetes

You can either let diabetes take control of your life, or you can take control of your diabetes. Finding out that you have an illness like this was probably upsetting, but there is so much that you can do to make sure you live a high quality of life, despite your diabetes. Continue reading this article to learn about the easy things you can do to live well with your diabetes.

Learn How to Live With Diabetes - It's Easy

Although diabetes is considered as a serious problem, it becomes easy if you know how to live with diabetes. Learning to live longer is indeed an art, and it is partly in your hands when you have some health problems. Diabetes is not a disease to cure, but it's a deficiency of hormonal secretion known as insulin. In some cases, the secretion is not potent to convert the blood sugar into energy needed for the body. Prone to this disorder, consulting your doctor is good, but there are certain things that you have to remember to help you live long with all inconveniences. In spite of many hurdles in normal life, you can have chance for survival with all hopes if you are able to keep normal blood sugar levels.

How to Live Longer With Diabetes

Although diabetes is a serious disease, you can live with it if you know how to take care of yourself. With the help of a good doctor and the right medicines, diabetics can have a long and productive life.
Many of them, in fact, have become famous.

Trying to Live With Diabetes

Living with diabetes has day to day challenges, such as fighting high and low blood sugars, and struggling to estimate the correct amount of insulin to take with every meal. Many important steps are to be taken when managing diabetes to pursue a healthy life.

How to Live a Healthy Life With Diabetes If You Eat Right

You can live a healthy life with diabetes if you eat right. If you have diabetes, it's important to eat right every day to keep your blood sugar levels low. Many diabetic persons believe that having diabetes means you must avoid sugar and carbohydrates all the time, your diet must be hundred percent protein, and prepared diabetic meals. This is not true. And in this article you will be taught how you are to eat right and live a healthy life with diabetes.

Very Early Symptoms of Adult Onset Diabetes

We often talk about adult onset diabetes but important here is to talk about early symptoms of this type of diabetes; so a person must know if he is suffering from Diabetes.
Adult onset diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in United States of America. It is a disappointing figure but good news is that 90% of these diabetics can cure their disease if they achieve the ideal weight and practice healthy living and eating habits.

Warning Symptoms Of Diabetes In Women

One of the biggest killers in the modern world is diabetes. The major reason behind this is that people suffer from the disease without knowing that something is going wrong within their bodies. This makes the disease remain uncontrolled. Men and women have different body types so both of them suffer differently with diabetes.

Diabetes - Know the Common Symptoms and Signs

If you feel tired all the time, if you're losing weight without any effort, if you feel extremely thirsty, chances are there that you're a diabetic patient. It's a condition when excess glucose is found in the blood and the body cells don't get enough glucose to perform their functions.

Living With Diabetes - Symptoms Of Diabetes

Diabetic symptoms progress with systemic approaches according to the type and progression of a diabetic condition and the duration of high levels of blood sugars. Common symptoms of higher blood sugar durations include extreme thirst and hunger, weight loss and frequent periods of urinary urgencies. These conditions are known to be associated with rapid onset of diabetes type II and should be symptoms that prompt medical testing or diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes in Men and Women

Signs of diabetes in men:

Feeling thirsty always with frequently increasing urination. This is caused as a result from the increased of glucose level that affects the filtering functionality of renal system. The kidneys takes in too much drinking water that will cause dehydration.

Cost of Diabetes Supplies Still a Major Problem in Health Care

Being diagnosed with diabetes not only weighs heavily on your personal life, but significantly affects you financially. In 2007, the national cost of diabetes was an astonishing $174 billion. Diabetics continually face an uphill battle when it comes to adequate health care coverage. In the past, companies have charged people with pre-existing conditions, like diabetes, a higher premium rate.

Is Your Diabetes Causing You Problems In The Bedroom?

Type 2 Diabetes is a disease that can interfere in achieving satisfactory sexual relationships in both men and women. The high blood sugar levels in diabetes damage these nerves and blood vessels, causing different sexual problems. Although often stimulated by intimate movies and magazines, sexual desire and sexual responses are involuntary. Autonomic nerves which control the internal organs in the body are also responsible for stimulating sexual desire and generating response to sexual stimuli. When these nerves are damaged, it cannot transmit the autonomic signals that trigger the increased blood flow in the blood vessels to the muscles in the penis for erection and the vagina for lubrication. Damage to the autonomic nerves is further aggravated with blood vessel damage.

Diabetes Vs Depression

Diabetes is a sweet disease, but let me tell you it ain't that sweet when it comes to your mood and mental health with those blood sugar spikes.
Many of us don't realize that although most of the time this condition is merely managing the physical side of things ie blood sugar control, diet and exercise... we don't look at the PSYCHOLOGICAL effects of this condition that could lead to more pain and misery in the long run.

Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes And Weight Gain

Obesity, as well as Type 2 diabetes, are both major epidemics around the world. So it is no secret the two are directly related. Type 2 diabetes seems like a contradiction since it is possible for an overweight individual not to exhibit symptoms of diabetes, just as it is possible for a slender, fit individual to develop the disease. Regardless, it is a well documented fact most Type 2 diabetics are overweight. In fact, statistics reveal 80 to 90 per cent of Type 2 diabetics are overweight or obese.

Drinking With Diabetes

It could be quite natural for every person at one point in his/her life to drink a glass or more of wine or beer whether to celebrate an occasion or just to have a good time with friends. However, if you are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, intake of alcohol could have dire consequences if not managed properly. The great news for diabetic persons is that having diabetes does not automatically ruin your chances of enjoying that party with your favorite drink. If you know how to handle your blood sugar and monitor it properly, you can still toast with friends and family when you want to.

Managing Diabetes for a Lifetime

When you find out you have diabetes, that can be shocking news. However, there is a lot you can do to manage your diabetes in a way that makes sure you have a good life in spite of the disease. This article provides you with some tips to make sure you are managing your diabetes in the most positive way you can.

Diabetes News - Use Flavonoids For Diabetic Complications

The beneficial effects of flavonoids in battling the complications of diabetes are numerous. They are even better than the nutrients vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium, and zinc, because flavonoids are more potent against a wider range of oxidants.
Diabetics who are already having signs of long-term complications can benefit from a flavonoid-rich extract. Flavonoids concentrate in specific tisses, so it is possible to take flavonoids that target specific body parts.

Diabetic Nutrition News, Comparing Popular Diets

Diabetic nutrition news has been changing our thinking about what a diabetic diet should be. But one thing has not changed, and that is the large and confusing number of diets. It does not help that every one of them has its fans and its statistics to prove it will work to help you lose weight and feel good.
So which one is best for diabetics? We'll look at a few of the popular diets and compare them. Since we all have different tastes, some will appeal to you more than others. But which ones are best for a diabetic?

Latest Diabetes News - Alarming Lifestyle Choices That Can Trigger Diabetes at Any Age

How Diabetes Relates To Your LIfestyle Choices

There are several causes of Type II diabetes, which is the most common form of diabetes that affects the adult population, including genetics, diet, obesity and lack of exercises. One of the most important causes of diabetes is the poor lifestyle choices made by the patient. Today, all over the world, the average age of onset of diabetes is decreasing at an alarming rate. In this article we will look at the causes of diabetes related to lifestyle and how leading a healthy lifestyle can keep such diseases at bay.

Understand the Options for Choosing Diabetes Medications

Do you ever wonder how your physician chooses an appropriate medication for you? Do you feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of available medications? These tips will help you understand the choices that are available. In subsequent articles, there will be more information about each class of medication.

Diabetic Nutrition News, Comparing Popular Diets

Diabetic nutrition news has been changing our thinking about what a diabetic diet should be. But one thing has not changed, and that is the large and confusing number of diets. It does not help that every one of them has its fans and its statistics to prove it will work to help you lose weight and feel good.

Glycemic Index Data Determines Diabetic Diet

Most current diets are based on lowering carbohydrate intake, and carbohydrate counting has been a big part of it. So, how can we easily and effectively apply carb counting to our diabetic diet? Glycemic Index data will help.

Type 2 Diabetes - A New Drug to Help in the Treatment of Diabetes

Excreting sugar in your urine is one sign of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. In earlier times it was used for making the diagnosis. It indicates blood sugar levels are so high that when the blood passes through the kidneys for cleansing some of the sugar, instead of being saved, goes out into the urine. One way of assessing diabetes control is by testing for sugar in the urine.

Diabetes and Alcohol: A Realistic Approach

It's unrealistic to think that everyone with diabetes must only eat and drink what is good for them. We all need a little bit of badness in our lives and this often comes from a drink or two (or three, or four, or more!). But if you have insulin dependent diabetes it can be a difficult thing to get right.

Is ADD or ADD/ADHD A Big Fat Lie?

Pesticides have been linked to the dramatic increase in ADD/ADHD. Lowered children's IQs, increased problems focusing and solving problems, as well as reduced physical coordination are linked to exposure to organophosphates between pregnancy and grade school, studies show. And some common items in your child's diet make it worse.

Is It Possible to Cure Diabetes

Do you yearn to have a normal life again without diabetes?

Would you jump at the chance to quit sticking your fingers with needles and discontinue all those sickening drugs? And to end your worries about diabetic heart attack, amputations or blindness? Yes? Then this news is going to make your day, because the diabetes cure we desperately need is here. Yes, you heard correctly. A true blue cure for diabetes exists here and now. It's been proven to work on thousands of actual diabetes patients. It requires no drugs, no surgery, no medical interventions and no weird diets. And it's so absurdly inexpensive that it's virtually free.

Is HbA1C Really a Diabetic Lie Detector?

Millions of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics are told that their doctors have a means of telling whether those blood sugar levels they so carefully test every day are truthfully recorded. Diabetics are threatened and cajoled with the promise of a "lie detector," HbA1C, which measures the long-term average of blood sugar levels over a period of about 120 days. But is this measure really useful in that way?

Diabetes - A Truth and a Lie

I was recently doing some surfing on the net, with particular regard for information on type 2 diabetes.

I was diagnosed with this disease over 2 years ago, and after visiting my doctor and trying to control my diabetes with diet and medication, it soon became apparent that this was insufficient, and I was moved onto taking insulin by injection, as well as continuing to take medication.

Potent Foods Which Help In Combating Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes is one of the common and dangerous diseases which is fast spreading like an epidemic all over the world. Diabetes in itself is not life threatening but it is the other health problems that accompany it which make it very dangerous. Some of the health disorders which diabetes patients suffer are chronic illness, obesity, heart diseases, eye problems which can even lead to blindness.

7 Biggest Myths About Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the many "diseases of civilization," with interaction of genetic, nutritional and sociocultural factors, among others, that result in one of the highest-prevalence pathologies in today's world. Diabetes is essentially a metabolic disorder caused by the little or no ability of the pancreas to produce insulin.

The Myths Surrounding Diabetes - Let's Separate Fact From Fiction

Today more than 23 million Americans have diabetes. Despite the fact that there is much attention focused on this disease, myths continually surface. This article discusses 5 commonly held beliefs that simply are not true. When it comes to diabetes, having the facts is the first step toward taking control.

Myths About Diabetes - Don't Be Confused With Threatening Words

Myths and diabetes are taken for comparison and contrast by many people in own experience.

Diabetes is mythically threatening with 60% incidence in the total population of the world though the percentage varies with countries. It is really pathetic and alarming to hear that the chance of diabetes with middle age is increasing steadily in spite of advanced technologies being initiated in medical history. This is due to some myths that diabetes cannot be cured completely but only be maintained with normal blood sugar level. Such aboriginal myths about diabetes should first be uprooted from everyone's mind. The channels for doubts and degenerating thoughts as folk myths should be closed.

10 Myths and Facts About Diabetes

1. People with Diabetes cannot play sports or exercise.
Completely untrue.

Fact: Exercise is an essential part of a diabetic management program. The maintenance of a healthy weight and fitness level are key factors in living a long and fulfilling life as a diabetic.

Top Seven Diabetes Myths Debunked

Diabetes myths can make diabetes management more difficult. Many people tend to believe and act on myths related to diet, weight management and overall lifestyle, which can aggravate the condition. The fact is that almost all diabetes myths are without any basis. Diabetes management must be solely guided by sound medical and nutritional advice. Also, a sound knowledge of diabetes will help you keep it at bay.

The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Mortality in Persons With Diabetes Mellitus

We've always been advised to be exercise. According to experts an active lifestyle prevents obesity and chronic illnesses; an important way to lose and maintain weight; helps with stress; and enhances our over-all well-being. In fact, it had long been touted as having a very significant impact on the management of diabetes mellitus. However, there had been no conclusive evidences or scientific studies to prove that it does have a positive impact or effect on the two types of diabetes.

Top 10 Positive Things About Diabetes

Diabetes is not all gloom and doom. There are some positive things about Diabetes. Knowing them helps one cope better. Obviously there are many health related positives like weight loss, regular diet, but there is more to it than just health. Let's look at some key takeaways about Diabetes.

The Effects of Diabetes

Diabetes is being a huge health problem. Many people suffer from diabetes and the other medical side effects it cause. An early diagnosis of diabetes can help a person to avoid serious related diseases. The earlier diabetes is caught the easy it is for doctors to monitor the patients overall health, thus preventing any further medical problems.

Good Energy Food for Diabetics

As you should be aware, diabetes is a condition where the level of sugar in the blood of a person is abnormally high, and must be controlled to avoid serious health conditions. Therefore, diet plays an important role in controlling diabetes by keeping blood sugar at appropriate levels. To find energy foods for diabetics, it is essential to consider several things such as limiting the intake of refined carbohydrates, sugar, etc. If you're wondering what foods are safe to consume that help to acquire the energy for diabetics then take a look at the following list of foods.

The Right Exercise for Diabetics

No one can underestimate the benefits of a good workout. Even for people with Type 2 Diabetes, regular exercise is a saving grace to maintain good health despite the setbacks of this illness. Any diabetic can attest to the fact that exercise is a primary prevention for increased level of blood sugar in the body. Not only can it maintain a healthy glucose level but it also decreases the amount of body fat which is often experienced by many type 2 diabetics. Exercise also helps in managing the stress experienced with diabetes as it could suck out all the energy, emotions and spirit of the person with this disease.

Type 2 Diabetes - This Could Be A New Testing Method for Diagnosing Diabetic Kidney Disease Early!

One of the most serious complications of Type 2 diabetes is kidney disease, or nephropathy. Too much sugar in your blood can cause your kidneys to:
  • filter too much blood too fast,
  • to leak protein into your urine, and
  • to be unable to filter out waste from your body.
When high blood sugar is caught early it can be treated, making dialysis and kidney transplants unnecessary.

Type 2 Diabetes - Diet, Weight Loss and Blood Fats In Diabetes

One of the complications associated with Type 2 diabetes is a high level of fats in the blood, which can lead to heart attacks. Researchers at Seoul National University in South Korea compared diets and blood fats in a group of adults with Type 2 diabetes, and reported their results in the Journal of Korean Medical Science in March 2012.

Food Nutrition for a Diabetic - Why Weight Loss Is Difficult

If you suffer from diabetes then you'll have to be very careful about what you eat. While it is a well-known fact that you have to curtail the amount of sugars and refined carbohydrates you eat, you'll also have to watch your weight. Weight loss is a pre-requisite for healthy life, especially for a diabetic person but this is generally very difficult to achieve. This is almost always because of insulin resistance. The kind of food nutrition a diabetic person gets ought to be different from what regular people get since it will have to take the body's resistance to insulin into account.

Prediabetes and Obesity, the Truth About Losing Weight

The link between prediabetes and obesity has been proven. Of course, every obese person is not a type 2 diabetic, and it is possible to be diabetic without being overweight.

But obesity increases the risk of developing prediabetes. As obesity becomes a world-wide problem the link cannot be ignored.

Six Diabetic Weight Loss Mistakes - Avoid Them and Lose Weight

Type 2 diabetic weight loss mistakes will make an already difficult path much harder. If you get discouraged and quit, the consequences to your health and quality of life are much too high a price to pay.

Type 2 diabetes is the result of insulin resistance, and that in itself can cause more weight gain. On top of this, every medication you were given to control your blood sugar adds to weight gain, including injecting insulin.

Overweight And Not Motivated? How To Avoid Diabetes, And Heart Disease, By Learning How To Diet

Most overweight folks would like to lose weight but haven't been truly motivated. In part, this is because we don't know how to go about it. This information is readily available so there must be something else contributing to our complacency about obesity. That "something else" is that we do not take the threat of obesity-related diseases seriously. Warnings are typically not personalized.
Let's take a look at some of the common "collateral damage" associated with obesity. And, consider how one of these diseases would impact your life and family.