How Can I Maintain a Healthy Blood Sugar Level?

Today's life is very fast forward with unconscious and unguided dietary habits. Even if you are not diagnosed with diabetes or any other ailment relating to blood sugar level, you should be proactive enough to make efforts to maintain a normal level of blood sugar and restore it if it is dwindling. The ways described below are mostly of natural and easy nature which does not require any rocket science. It is just the application of some logical life style to be preventive of any disastrous situation.
Blood sugar level is the count of glucose in your blood which comes out from the urinary tract if the glucose is in excess. So the first and foremost requirement is to go for protein and nutritious diet, rather going for sugary and snack items. They just satisfy the taste glands but do nothing to give you energy. Instead of junk food and drinks, include more and more of fruits, vegetables and dry fruits in your daily diet which is a rich source of protein and energy supplement.
Normally, if you are suffering from elevated blood sugar level, your metabolic rate also gets affected and the results are immediately obvious on your health. Thus, your objective should be to remain fit and fine in which exercise could be of great help to you. Regular exercise helps you maintain a consistent ratio of height and weight.
You should try to be active in your routine tasks and otherwise too. Agility is a very good thing to be practiced if one has problems relating to blood sugar level. You should try to gain as much knowledge about blood sugars and the symptoms, effects and precautions. This will equip you with the necessary armor against any serious concern cropping up. Sometimes it happens that people make mistakes due to ignorance. This condition can be avoided if you are active enough to grab information.
There are many more and distinct reasons for altering blood sugar levels which vary from person to person. Some might result out of a person's family history, some out of stress and depression and others because of eating and drinking habits. Do try to eat something or the other at small intervals, rather eating greater quantities once or twice a day. Following these simple steps will definitely help you in maintaining a normal blood sugar level, and that too, absolutely free of cost.
Discover more about list of foods for diabetic to eat & learn Foods to Avoid for Diabetes and diabetes management.
Dr. Eswararamanan VR is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article should be complete and active.

Can Exercise Help Lower My Blood Sugar Levels?

If one asks what is the absolutely free of cost and hassle free way of staying fit and fine, then definitely the one and only answer is exercise. No doubt, exercise is a panaceal remedy to stay aloof of any minor or major kind of ailment. Even if one is suffering from ailment, then the first prescription or advice which a doctor gives is to do regular exercise. The same applies here as well. For diabetic patients also, exercise is the one-in-all remedy.
Higher blood sugar levels are clearly visible in the form of overweight and obesity features. This happens when you opt for sedentary lifestyle with junk food forming the major portion of your diet. Lack of activeness increases your GI and as a result, you are unable to control your blood sugar levels. No doubt sugary items provide you instant energy but in the long run, they are of no use to keep track of your high blood sugar levels.
Blood sugar levels are actually reduced by burning the extra calories which cannot be achieved even if you change your eating and drinking habits. This is so because this change will affect your present and future but what about past where you have gained weight and the ratio of your age and weight is imbalanced.
Exercise actually helps lower your blood sugar levels by burning the extra calories. It also lowers the risk of high blood pressure which is an immediate and fatal effect of high blood sugar levels. Regular physical activity helps insulin work better, improves the circulation of blood and also makes your joints and muscles flexible.
Exercise here does not mean rigorous one, just activeness in your daily routine tasks. Try to do every thing on your own. Set goals to lose weight, weekly, fortnightly and then monthly. This will also help you track of your progress. Doctors suggest that pre-diabetics should go for at least half an hour exercise on a daily basis. This quantity increases with post-diabetic patients where they are advised to follow a schedule of at least 2 hours of regular exercise. Moreover, they should also monitor and record their daily exercise schedule and how long they do it.
It is very essential to be consistent in your exercise time and type if you really want to lower down your blood sugar levels. Intermittent exercises do not contribute much since the flow is distorted when you stop exercising and thus, you cannot say that exercise did not help you lowering your blood sugar level.
Discover more about list of foods for diabetic to eat & learn Foods to Avoid for Diabetes and diabetes management.
Dr. Eswararamanan VR is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article should be complete and active.

The Effective Homeopathic Toenail Fungus Treatment

Homeopathic toenail fungus home remedies can be occasionally used for patients to prevent a recurrence state. Homeopathic treatment is very effective. However, some of the medications that have use homeopathic nail fungus treatment of the disease are even harmful. So, be careful, as some oral drugs actually have a serious risk for liver problems.
Treating the toenail fungus (or fungus) the right way, is very important because it is a highly contagious condition. Here you will find the best homeopathic toe nail fungus product!
Toenail fungus affects to lead to ringworm and other common fungal infections. This page is dedicated to providing information about symptoms, causes and treatment of fungal nail infections. The treat particularly, is notoriously difficult. These fungi may be confused on the nails with other diseases such as psoriasis, nail bars, and sometimes even bacterial infection.
Furthermore, Onychomycosis is a well-known fungal nail infection. It is caused when the organism spends keratin found in our fingernails and toenails. Our nails are naturally built to be strong and resistant to fungus and other infections. The strength of this barrier makes it difficult to remove the fungus, but the homeopathic toenail fungus treatment will be helpful even for that!
The affected nails get yellow or brown in color. They become so thick and overgrown that wearing shoes can become painful. Foul-smelling part leftover may get accumulated under the nails. Then nails may crumble and eventually fall.
Fingernail fungus leads to yellowish, greenish or brownish, thickened nails. You can remove them by using homeopathic toe nail fungus treatments and products. Toenail fungus nail cannot breathe properly when you excessively use nail polish to hide it.
Now you would possibly like to know which cure is most safe and a lot efficient, which is a good question. You can locate this advice on the link below this text.
Discover the Best Treatment for Toenail Fungus Today & Kill the Fungus in 2 Weeks.
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What Methods Can You Apply to Help Toenail Fungus Prevention?

Fingernail fungus is yellow or green with nails, followed by thickening of nails, dry nails, and gathering of layers of substances under and around the nail. Nails become brittle and may break or crumble. Professional, podiatrist help toenail fungus diagnosis is absolutely required. The doctor should be able to help toenail fungus prevention or treatment, providing the best remedy for your nail fungus. Dependent on how long fungi are not controlled, this can sooner or later lead to a danger of the overall fingernails health.
Other risks associated with leaving the nail fungus include the uncontrolled spreading to other toenails. Symptoms of fungal infections usually appear first on the big toe. When the infection lies exclusively in the big toe, it normally does not affect the other toes. Fingernail fungus is found, not surprisingly in humid areas such as showers, public fitness centers and swimming pools. It is then completely logical to state that athletes are especially sensitive to the condition. So if you wear tight shoes or socks, they will contribute to sustainable moist and very warm environment.
Since the nails need to breathe to remain in good physical shape, it is certainly not surprising that the affected finger was interfered for some period of time. Persons with weakened immune systems are at risk to toe nail fungus. If you're dealing with some unwanted symptoms of toenail, then you perhaps already know that you have something bad that happens such as yellowing and dullness, as also thickening and crumbling. So you need to help toenail fungus prevention on your own.
Not so pretty, and also can be really uncomfortable.
Fortunately, there are numerous treatment options available to help toenail fungus. Some individuals are much more susceptible than other people, and they show with mild to moderate symptoms.
In order to help toe nail fungus you must bleach them, especially at the affected nails and soak them in rum or saltwater. However, still others recommend that the best home remedy is brushing vitamin E over the affected nails. Toenail fungus home remedies may seem to be working, but very hard and rarely effectively. The reality is that no home treatment for toenail fungus actually works, that's why you need some special treatments in order to help toenail fungus prevention or cure.
Would you like to know which cure is most safe and a lot efficient? Click Here to visit reviews of top 3 Toenail Fungus Remedy Products.
Dr. Eswararamanan VR is the author of this article. This article can be used on your website with all the links intact.

What's the Truth About the Effectiveness of Most Thick Toenail Fungus Treatments and Products?

Although some products on the market today are effective and working, they cannot be used to completely cure your thick toenail fungus. Seek advice and assistance from certified health care providers for the best treatment options. Again and again, we spend a lot of time and money for thick toenail fungus treatment with little or no results. Your doctor may take a sample of your infected toenail in order to accurately determine the type of fungus's sickness, and then give you the correct treatments that are specific to an infection, as well.

Type 2 Diabetes - Will Immunizing Pregnant Women Help Prevent Diabetes in Their Children?

According to research at the University of California at San Diego in the United States, some day it could be possible to immunize pregnant women to prevent their children from developing Type 2 diabetes. Their study, reported on in October 2012 in PLoS One, involved immunizing pregnant mice with molecules called oxidized lipoproteints. The immunizations were found to protect against insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. The protection was particularly effective in obese males eating high calorie diets.

Oxidative Stress Accelerates the Disease Process in Diabetes


Role of oxidative stress in the progression of cardiovascular diseases accompanied by diabetes  mellitus. Diabetes mellitus induced oxidative stress at least partly through NADPH oxidase activation, and consequently accelerated the progression of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, hypoxia might be implicated in the development of diabetes mellitus and production of  reactive oxygen species (ROS), associated with the insult to mitochondria in cardiomyocytes by hypoxia itself.

Oxidative Stress and Diabetes

What this means is that Protandim can help Diabetes sufferers reduce the risk of Cardiovascular Disease as a result of Diabetes Mellitus. The proprietary blend of naturally occurring, whole foods ingredients, such as Turmeric, Green Tea Extract, Ashwagandha Extract, Bacopa Extract, and Milk Thistle, serve to boost, bolster and supercharge the body's ability to create Mega-Antioxidant Enzymes that reduce (and even eliminate!) Oxidative Stress, and its negative effects.

Before age 20, our bodies make high levels of Antioxidant Enzymes, but the levels drop off after about age 20, and so begins the Aging Process.
We all know the aging process is the enemy of healthy, fit adults. Many times, though, we see a big word like "Oxidative Stress" and it's hard to make the connection between that big term and the process of "Just Getting Older" or the feeling of falling apart as we age. The terrifying fact is, though that Oxidative Stress IS the aging process.

Many people develop Diabetes as they age, and attribute it to just getting older. "Well, my mother had it, my Grandfather had it, of course I'll get it, and probably suffer heart attacks or strokes as a result." We tend to resign ourselves to the fate of genetic destiny.
What if we could reduce the chance of even GETTING Diabetes in the first place?

What if, for someone newly diagnosed, they could REVERSE the disease process? Is it possible? Well, if you eliminate Oxidative Stress, the common denominator in MANY, if not MOST disease processes, the body-the beautiful, strong, resilient, amazing creation that it is- might see its way clear to begin to heal the process that shut down the pancreas in the first place.

I'm not saying Protandim cures diabetes, or anything else, (that would be illegal) but do a search on YouTube, Google it, ask someone who has been taking it for 30 days or more, and you might be very pleasantly surprised at what you hear, and the hope that YOU TOO could experience similar results.

Susan Denham is on a mission to help educate and inform Diabetes Sufferers and those at risk of a Diabetes Diagnosis of alternatives to caustic, toxic, pharmaceutical solutions. A healthy lifestyle and diet, in addition to natural supplements, like those listed at can help you avoid being diagnosed, and improve your long-term prognosis, even if you've had Diabetes for years. Visit today to find out more.

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Are You Searching for Help With Diabetes? Check Below For A Few Helpful Advice

Remember to take your medication for diabetes as directed by your doctor. Symptoms of diabetes can go unnoticed; therefore, it is imperative to take prescribed medication in the doses and at the times advised. Talk to your doctor about side effects and different treatments. Do not decide to stop taking your medication without checking with your doctor first.

Type 2 Diabetes - Detecting Diabetes in Older People

The onset of Type 2 diabetes is a major concern for so many people. One of the groups who are the most concerned with the onset of this disease are the elderly. Factors such as age, weight gain, and having a sedentary life style lead to the development of this condition. That is why it is so important for the elderly to keep close tabs on their health.

Type 2 Diabetes - Exercise Helps Your Body Use Up Blood Sugar!

When we take in food, our body breaks down sugars and starches into glucose. The glucose must then travel to the cells to provide them with energy and insulin is responsible for getting it there, into the cells. Many factors determine how effectively this takes place... and exercise is one of them.

Type 2 Diabetes - Is There a Connection Between High Blood Sugar And Cancer?

Certain kinds of cancer are known to develop more frequently in people diagnosed with diabetes, than in non-diabetics. Researchers in Japan looked at blood sugar levels to fine-tune our knowledge of what blood sugar levels are safe to have with regard to cancer.
This particular study was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in October 2012 and included 2,438 adult participants. Over age 19... 229 individuals died of cancer...

If Addicted To Sugar You Need To Know These 5 Scary Statistics About Diabetes and How You Can Change

If addicted to sugar you need to know these 5 scary statistics about diabetes and how with a few simple changes you can avoid being part of this group.
Today's headline in my local newspapers Health & science section: "Worldwide escalation in sugar diabetes" caught my attention since I am addicted to sugar and that I believe is a major factor in getting adult onset diabetes. What new information could I get from them and was there any sugar solutions in the article.

Type 2 Diabetes - Don't Allow a Diagnosis of Diabetes Get You Down!

When a person receives a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, one of the usual reactions is fear. Newly diagnosed diabetics naturally worry about the unknown, usually due to a lack of knowledge on the subject. Many people become depressed for the same reason. Knowledge not only improves your health, but your mood, too.
Here are a few simple ways to prevent a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes from depressing you:

Foods Low In Glycemic Index Help Sugar Addicts Stay In Control

Foods low in glycemic index are easy to find. Converting them into tasty recipes that you will enjoy is the challenge. And I have made it a personal quest to do so. Especially since I like to eat so much yet want to stay a healthy weight.

When You Are Overwhelmed - Do You Eat Too Much Sugar?

In today's fast paced world, do you often feel overwhelmed? Are you beginning to feel not worthy because you can't keep up? Do you then eat too much sugar to feel better? To get that ahhhhh feeling of satisfaction, even though it is temporary?

4 Ways Sugar Is Bad For You After Age 50

Most of us know too much sugar will pack on the pounds with too many empty calories and ultimately make us fat. But beyond that fact, sugar is creating havoc with our bodies and our health. Many that we do not think of right away but are very important. Especially over the age of 50.

Diabetes Cure - Can Diabetes Be Cured Or Not

What is Diabetes?
The failure of the biological mechanism for regulating blood sugar, where there is insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas is what causes diabetes. The increase in blood sugar is what characterises this disease. The Three Major Types of Diabetes are Type1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes.

4 Steps To Reversing Diabetes

I remember the first time I heard the words, "You have diabetes." I was in the hospital, in a very vulnerable frame of mind to begin with, and there were those terrible words that I had always dreaded. A close family member also had diabetes so it wasn't totally unexpected but on the other hand it still shocked me hearing that verdict. To make matters worse, the diagnosis was delivered to me almost as if it were an afterthought given that the doctors were more concerned about why I was in the hospital.

Is It Possible to Cure Diabetes?

Do you yearn to have a normal life again without diabetes?
Would you jump at the chance to quit sticking your fingers with needles and discontinue all those sickening drugs? And to end your worries about diabetic heart attack, amputations or blindness? Yes? Then this news is going to make your day, because the diabetes cure we desperately need is here. Yes, you heard correctly. A true blue cure for diabetes exists here and now. It's been proven to work on thousands of actual diabetes patients. It requires no drugs, no surgery, no medical interventions and no weird diets. And it's so absurdly inexpensive that it's virtually free.

Diabetic Diet: How Tangerines and Oranges Can Help Cure Diabetes

Don't let anyone fool you. It is possible to cure type 2 diabetes and you can include many foods in your diabetic diet that contain substances that help cure diabetes.
Recent research proves that tangerines and oranges contain a substance called nobiletin that helps to cure diabetes. Specifically, nobiletin prevents the build up of fat in the liver and the subsequent over productive of insulin due to increasing glucose in the blood. Nobiletin also prevents the build-up of arterial plaque which causes heart disease and stroke.

Diabetes Feet - Why Not Treating Diabetes Can Cause Feet or Legs to Be Removed

If you have diabetes feet there is a serious illness that is spreading in your system. Diabetes is similar to AIDS in that there is a poison that is spreading in the body. The poison glucose in the bloodstream is doing major damage to the feet of a diabetic.

Statistics and Possible Remedies for Diabetes

The statistics, for diabetes, increase every day. Because of poor lifestyles, more people are becoming diabetics with the potential problems of heart disease, nerve disease (neuropathy), kidney problems, eye problems (retinopathy), and risk of amputation. Both adults and children are becoming diabetics.

Currently, most treatments include medications to lower blood sugar and control insulin levels. Insulin may be included in that list, as well. Even with these treatments, they are incapable of giving even type 2 diabetics a cure. They only control the symptoms and do not eliminate the disease.

Eleotin Reviews - Does Eleotin Cure Diabetes Naturally?

These are but some of the sentiments consumers have exhibited when news about a revolutionary food product bruited as capable of restoring the body's capability to control blood glucose levels broke out. While you can expect any new product to be met with cynical reactions, and not all potentially effective remedies actually work for most people (as remedies and approaches to health problems may vary from case to case depending on the specific medical conditions and requirements), most people afflicted with a terrifying disease as diabetes do welcome a medically backed product technology that shows much promise of alleviating their plight.

How to Help Diabetic Foot Ulcers Heal

Diabetes is one common condition these days. One of its complications is the reduction in the rate by which wounds will heal. And since the feet are the body parts which might usually be wounded, diabetic foot ulcers have been a problem for a lot of diabetic patients. There are ways by which you can prevent these foot ulcers from developing. However, if you already have a wound in your foot that is starting to become serious, here are the ways by which you can make your wounds heal.

The Diabetes Diet Cure

Prediabetes and diabetes are the most significant health issues confronting Americans today. In the U.S. today the number of people diagnosed with prediabetes jumped from 57 million in 2008 to 79 million in 2010. Even more ominous, during the same time period, the number diagnosed with full-on diabetes went from 23.6 million to 26 million, the vast majority with Type 2 or adult onset. Put the two numbers together and it accounts for one-third of the U.S. population. Diabetes is a serious issue which can be alleviated by the diabetes diet cure.

Natural Cure For Insulin Resistance - 4 Proven Effective Methods

In conventional medicine, it is generally known among diabetes patients that there is no cure for Type 2 diabetes which is caused by a type body abnormality known as insulin resistance. The doctors often tell the patients that their diabetic condition is harmless as long as the blood sugar level is properly managed with the help of some medications.

How To Beat Health Insurance Rates

Health insurance rates are rising year by year. It's becoming increasingly difficult for many people to afford them. Some people feel that it is a necessary part of life. But is it?

Most people feel that ill health just appears. Out of nowhere. They say things such as 'there but for the grace of god... '.

Can You Eat Pizza With Type 2 Diabetes?

When you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you must come to grips with the fact that you are going to have to alter some of your habits and your lifestyle. It is a serious illness that must be attended to if you want to live a long and active life. The good news is that you can easily manage diabetes through your diet and exercise routine.

Diabetes Weight Loss: Is It Really Difficult?

Surprisingly, not all diabetics need a diabetes weight loss program. Even people of normal weight are diagnosed with diabetes - but it is being overweight that does make us more susceptible to developing diabetes. Diabetics frequently complain that it's difficult to lose weight - and health experts and diabetes experts agree. But just because it's difficult doesn't mean it's impossible.

Is Sugar Bad For Diabetes?

Despite resent advances in diabetes research, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about the disease. Let's examine some of the more familiar ones.

Sugar causes diabetes. False. It's easy to blame sugar for diabetes. After all, the disease is characterized by high blood sugar levels. But avoiding refined sugar won't protect you from diabetes since eating rice, bread and potatoes can produce the same effect.

Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome

Autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes denote a heterogeneous group of rare diseases. The syndrome is featured by autoimmune activity against more than one endocrine organ, as non-endocrine organs might be affected.

As it is, there are three conditions, which can be classified under autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes, along with a number of other diseases, which may be characterized by endocrine autoimmunity. The following are the three conditions:

How to Lose Belly Fat and Expose Six Pack Abs

We crunch, we jog, we ab-lounge, we cut carbs and even go under the knife to get rid of belly fat but what the heck is wrong with this stubborn belly fat? How comes it is so hard to get the so called six pack abs?

Oh! And when you go to see the doctor, or read around, you start hearing scary stories of how mid-section or trunk obesity is dangerous, even fatal! Evidence based research has shown that no matter how many crunches you cruise every day, no matter how many miles you jog, no matter how dry you diet yourself, you may never realize those sexy looking six-pack abs if your typical day is jam-packed with stress.

What Is The French Dukan Diet?

The French have something that everybody wants. They have Dr. Pierre Dukan and Dukan Diet. A major part of his life he was doing research to help people dealing with weight problems. After 20 years of work, he developed the Dukan Diet.

With so many obese people in this world and so many wrong diets, Dr Pierre wanted to bring hope to those in need. Almost all of the existing diets help people lose weight immediately. But when they return to their normal eating way, they gain all those pounds back, and more.

Treat Diabetes in 12 Easy Steps

Diabetes whenever left untreated leads to a lot of complications. Few of the complications are cardiopathy, sightlessness, nephropathy, amputation and nerve damage. Is there any way to prevent these complications? Luckily the answer is yes, there is a way.

Diabetics have the ability to care and control their diabetes which could be controlled with proper knowledge and education of diabetes. A diabetic (type 1 or type 2) can modify his living style and start living a standard life by just following the below mentioned 12 simple and easy to follow steps:

How to Have an Amazingly Stress-Free Travel When You're Diabetic

Do you remember the last time you've travelled for a week long vacation? You spent so much time scouting for a drugstore for a re-fill of your anti-diabetic medications instead of having fun in the sun. You've promised yourself this won't happen again. In a couple of months, you'll travel to the Caribbean for a week long vacation. What to do?
Experts say planning ahead for that travel is a must especially for diabetics. Here are practical tips to remember:

Don't Just Dive Into Exercise If You Are Diabetic: Take It One Step at a Time

There are so many great ways to begin an exercise routine when you decide to buckle down and get healthier. A good way to begin if you have not exercised for a long while is to simply put your walking shoes on and... well... walk! Sounds too simple, right? That's exactly what I thought when someone told me to do that very thing. Because I felt such determination, I wanted to just turn my spare bedroom into a home gym! Then a friend of mine told me I didn't have to remodel my entire house to get a good workout. Huh, who knew?

Look Out for Diabetes During Pregnancy

If you are thinking about conceiving, then there is every single aspect that you should consider before you finally start trying. One of the things that you should consider is the fact whether you are diabetic or whether your family has a genetic history of this disease. If a pregnant woman has diabetes then various complications can occur so you should read the following article as it provides you with all the necessary details regarding pregnancy and diabetes. Diabetes can present many problems for the fetus or your unborn child so read on and make sure that you are prepared beforehand, in order to deal with contingent situations with more ease.

Pregnancy Risks for Diabetic Women

Getting pregnant is a critical time in any woman's life. For women diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, it is even more of a precarious time as they are facing various risks for their own health and their baby's. There was a time when diabetic women felt uneasy and scared to become pregnant due to this difficult illness. Doctors themselves warn them on the possible risks involved if they do not prepare well when this time comes. And to make it easier for them, doctors might have even kept them off the track from the wonderful yet risky event of becoming a mother.

Diabetes for Two - Diabetes in Pregnancy

There are several types of 'Diabetes in Pregnancy'. Diabetes can sometimes present for the first time during a pregnancy and this type which is usually picked up by a routine test about half way through the pregnancy is called "gestational diabetes". This type may go away after the pregnancy. Also, a woman could have diabetes before pregnancy, either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and needs to plan carefully for her pregnancy with this pre-existing condition (stay tuned for part 2 in my next article!).

Panic Attack And Diabetes

Panic attack and diabetes can be a worrying combination. Some of the feelings can be similar, thus, the person may be unsure if it's panic or diabetes.

The problem with panic attacks is that it has a way of imitating other serious conditions, such as diabetes, asthma or even a heart attack. This uncertainty is very distressing.

Take Pre-Diabetes Seriously and You Can Avoid Type 2 Diabetes

Yes, it is easy to go into panic mode when you hear your health care provider mention the diagnosis of pre-diabetes. It is important to acquire information about type 2 diabetes and what action you should take to prevent it's development.  After all, knowledge is empowerment, which you can utilize to successfully fight this health condition.

A Diagnosis Of Pre-Diabetes Presents An Opportunity

Every day thousands of people learn that they have pre-diabetes. That knowledge can make people react in different ways. One person's initial reaction may be panic or worry about what to do next.

Another person may be nonchalant and feel "it's not really that bad!" Whatever the case may be, the person with a pre-diabetes diagnosis is faced with a medical condition that has the potential to be serious. What may be lost in hearing such news, is that having this condition actually presents an opportunity to set things right again.

What exactly is pre-diabetes? It is defined as a state that is between having normal blood sugar and type 2 diabetes. An elevated fasting blood glucose or hemoglobin A1c are reliable indicators for diagnoses. Individuals who are overweight, obese, or have a strong family history of diabetes would be well advised to get screened for diabetes. Those who already have this condition are at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Recent data from the National Diabetes Fact Sheet suggests that there are now an estimated 57 million Americans with pre-diabetes. Left untreated, pre-diabetes can progress to full blown diabetes. Once a person has diabetes, there is significant potential for complications and negative alterations in well-being. Diabetes is not a reversible condition.

Instead of panic, or worse yet, ignoring the situation entirely, quick action is what really counts. The decision to take action early in one's diagnosis of pre-diabetes is where the opportunity lies to do something really worthwhile: that is, if you begin to make positive lifestyle changes right away, you may be able to reverse the pre-diabetes and prevent diabetes altogether! The more you understand about the condition and what works to reverse it, the easier it will be to work on targeted lifestyle changes.

Making lifestyle changes involves a systematic approach to diet, exercise, stress management and healthy sleep habits. Work with someone who is trained to help you plan that systematic approach.

Be selective about who you work with and where you get your pre-diabetes information. While there are literally thousands of sources (online and offline) out there ready to give you advice, look for information that comes from established, reputable organizations or credentialed professionals. The American Diabetes Association and The American Association of Diabetes Educators are good places to start your search. Whenever possible, choose to work with a Certified Diabetes Educator.
Successfully treating pre-diabetes includes a well thought out wellness and lifestyle plan, with tangible goals that you work on, one goal at a time. So what's the most important thing to do first? Decide to tackle the problem quickly. Pre-diabetes is often reversible, so use this opportunity to rid yourself of this condition.

© 2012, Gretchen Scalpi, RD, CDE. Publication rights granted to all venues so long as article and by-line are reprinted intact and all links are made live.

Gretchen Scalpi is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator, author and Certified Wellcoach. Gretchen has worked one on one with hundreds of clients in her own private nutrition practice since 2002. If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes register for her new teleclass series Pre-diabetes: Your Second Chance at Good Health! Class size is limited so register early at to guarantee your spot!

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How To Control Diabetes Naturally Following Some Simple Methods

There is no need for you to trigger the panic button if you have been diagnosed with diabetes. There is countless number of artificial medications available these days all over the world to control diabetes and the other symptoms associated with it. There are many who cannot afford those expensive medicines and thus can control diabetes naturally and continue to lead a healthy and normal life. It is very important that you are following a diet comprised of nutritional foods.

Apart from a change of diet you should make a habit to exercise regularly to maintain proper blood sugar level and a healthy immune system. Weight loss also depends on the kind of foods you consume as well as the amount of exercise you do everyday. Once you fight back the problems associated with high blood sugar and excess fat in the body you can enjoy a healthy and active life.

Obesity is considered to be one of the primary reasons for diabetes. Most of us today lead very busy lives, and there is very little time for us to exercise. Apart from this, due to an increase in levels of stress and anxiety we tend to develop bad habits of smoking and dinking. These are said to be the factors that induce diabetes in our system. There are also genetic factors which have a role to play in this case. Irrespective of whatever the reason may be, each one of us must take our health seriously and ensure we are adhering to healthy living practices.

Though artificial medications are readily available these days, there are side effects associated with the intake as well. Insulin injections if taken for long can have negative effects in our body, says research findings. Anyone can deal with diabetes naturally provided they follow the measures such as healthy eating and exercising routines. These natural methods are proven to show visible results and there are no doubts about the fact that regular exercise and a good diet can protect you from any sorts of diseases in the long run.

Insulin diabetes mellitus is injected in those patients who are suffering from type 2 diabetes. This medicine ensures that the blood sugar levels are in check and the other organs of the body are also well protected. However those who want to control diabetes naturally must quit the unhealthy practices of drinking and smoking. Simply relying on medicines cannot help you to fight against this kind of chronic disease.

If you are serious about diabetes control you should visit
Greg J Ray is an expert author and a well known expert in the diabetes field. For more information on diabetes control you can visit

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Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes Can Turn Into A Panic Attack!

Anyone who has ever had the displeasure of experiencing a panic attack will tell you it is no fun. The fact there are so many triggers that can set off a panic attack isn't very reassuring either. But did you know having diabetes creates its own panic attacks? Stress can actually be unhealthy and dangerous if you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.

One of the simplest ways to set off a panic attack is by not maintaining your desired and ideal blood sugar levels. When levels are allowed to dip too low, too quickly, your body's natural reaction is to panic. It desperately needs something that simply isn't available. Chemicals in the brain immediately begin to release stress hormones and adrenaline production goes into overdrive. Your body then searches desperately for a solution that doesn't exist unless you react reasonably fast.

Blood sugar levels are directly connected to many areas of your body... including your heart. That's why your:

  • heart rate begins to increase,
  • breathing becomes somewhat labored,
  • the body begins to perspire,
  • hands suffer from trembling, and
  • there is a general feeling of weakness.

These are all classic symptoms of a panic attack.

When a panic attack hits, your best defense is to be prepared. Having a snack on hand is essential.

Anything from candy, to snack foods to glucose tablets will work. Your goal is to not only bring your blood sugar back in line, but to dissipate the panic attack. After all, stress and diabetes do not mix.

When your body experiences a panic attack, the body's stress level dramatically rises. Since stress is not ideal for diabetes and interferes with your blood sugar control, now you have to fight diabetic complications as well as increased stress levels. Overcoming low blood sugar is hard enough under normal circumstances. But throw in a panic attack and it is very difficult to concentrate on the task at hand.

The best way to ward off a panic attack, besides keeping your blood sugar level within ideal ranges, is to:

  • exercise regularly,
  • drink plenty of water, and
  • gets lots of quality sleep.

Having a deficit in any of these areas can help to initiate a panic attack. And a deficit can also prolong and complicate the recovery from one also.

Controlling stress requires a change in how you think and behave. The change can be immediate. Some people are ruled by their feelings. They tend to act on their emotions without thinking of the outcome. Negative feelings include:

  • frustration,
  • anger,
  • sadness,
  • fear, and
  • anxiety

and can dominate their actions. The results can be stressful. Managing these feelings is essential for keeping stress at a minimum and controlling your Type 2 diabetes.
Controlling stress doesn't mean you need to control how you feel, it means not giving into the feeling. It means finding a way to rise above the feeling.

Another way to combat panic attacks is to learn how to relax. This means removing as much stress from your life as possible. Meditation is a good way to accomplish this. So is yoga, martial arts, Pilates, Tai Chi or any other form of low-impact exercise that promotes stretching and burning calories.

To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions ... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.

Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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The Art of Travelling With Diabetes

One of the oldest complaints that anyone with diabetes has is how to deal with going on holiday and travelling in general. As well as all the normal concerns with any journey: destinations, costs, packing etc, anyone with diabetes has the added uncertainties of what medication to bring, what time zones you will be crossing and what food you can expect to have available when you arrive.

I've been through a lot of these situations over the years and with a little planning you will find you can anticipate any problems and ensure that you can take a quick holiday or even travel the world without diabetes getting in your way!

Planning it out
  • First off, you'll decide where and when you are going. That's the fun bit then you'll need to figure out how much medication and supplies etc you'll need for the trip. Look at the average number of times a day you test your blood sugar, inject insulin/take meds and all the other stuff to give you an idea of how much you'll need to bring. Don't just bring the average though, bring too much. There is always the possibility that you'll need more than you expect so its better to have too much than not enough. If you are carrying insulin don't worry bout keeping it refrigerated, almost all insulin will maintain its full potency at room temperature for at least 30 days so there's no need for special bags etc unless you are going to a very warm climate, in which case find a fridge to use when you arrive. Bring some dextrose as well to ensure that you have easy access to fast carbs in case you have any low blood sugars.

  • As well as this, carry a prescription letter from your doctor that states your condition and the supplies you use, insulins, test strips etc, stated in their brand and generic names. This will be handy for verifying to airport security why you need to be carrying these supplies. I had an incident in Singapore some years ago where a group of guards with very large guns surrounded me when they found "sharp" objects in my had in luggage. They were tiny "6 gauge" novopen needles! Needless to say the doctor's letter proved its worth that day! In some parts of the world they have an odd rule where they also insist on this letter being no more than 6 months old so check before travelling. The other reason to have this letter is that it will help you obtain replacement supplies with local providers in case you end up losing your own.

  • If you are travelling in Europe, you can apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) card. This entitles the holder to free or heavily discounted health cover in most EU/EEC countries. It's a handy thing to have if you fall ill and it's free so why not get one just in case.

  • Get some medical ID. You never know where or when you may suffer a hypo, it happens to the best of us. It's even more risky in a foreign country so you can help yourself by having medical ID that identifies you as a diabetic. You may be in a country that doesn't speak your language but any medical professional always looks for these things. Bracelets etc, wallet cards (even tattoos if you want to go that far!) are easily obtained. Another good idea is to add an "in case of emergency" (ICE) contact number in your phone. Paramedics will regularly look for this and it will help them treat you faster and more easily.

The Journey
  • Keep your bag of supplies with you at all times. Luggage gets lost. You can live without your bermuda shorts for a few days. Medical supplies are rather more urgent! This is also critical if you are carrying insulin onto a plane. The baggage hold is not heated and the temperature within can get very cold and potentially damage your insulin. If you are an insulin pump user DO NOT LET IT GO THROUGH AN X-RAY! This will reset all of your programmed basal and bolus rates and mess up your pumping regime in a big way. The rule is simple, keep it all with you!

  • Don't order any specialist food. This is one I came across myself a long time ago. At the time my regime involved matching carbohydrate to pre-determined insulin doses, today I count carbs and match insulin to what I want to eat, much easier and much more flexible. I had informed the flight company of my diabetes and was given the option of having a specially prepared "diabetic meal". Poor foolish me! I said yes and was presented with a meal that looked a lot like everyone else's but with all the carbohydrate removed! Cue panic as I tried to figure out how to dose for what I perceived to be no food at all (of course the dose would be zero with a zero carb meal but I was some years away from learning that!) I would say to every diabetic that is given this option that they should refuse it. For one thing, there's nothing wrong with you and diabetes shouldn't prevent you from eating anything. And also if you are using an insulin/carb approach (as many people still do) then you are likely to land yourself in a stressful situation. Airlines do not understand the dietary needs of people with diabetes, it is a painful and pointless process trying to educate them!

  • Time zones can be tricky for anyone using insulin. We will often take insulin/meds on a 24 hr set routine. Having a shorter or longer day as you cross time zones means you have to adjust your schedule accordingly. If the time change is less than 4 hours you shouldn't have to make any major changes. If you are crossing more then the best course of action is to discontinue your background doses and rely on short acting (bolus) insulin until you reach your destination and return to a set 24 hr day. The re-introduce your background. It may cause your levels to sit a little higher but it allows for a great degree of flexibility over meal and injection times and any highs can be corrected as you go along.

  • Insulin pumps may be affected by air pressure. There is a good deal of research that suggests insulin pumps can be affected by aircraft cabin pressure and end up delivering too little or too much insulin. This can be particularly dangerous for insulin-sensitive people as it may lead to hypos. The best advice is to disconnect the pump before take-off then once you reach cruising altitude, check for air bubbles in the line and reconnect. This should be repeated again for landing.

When You Arrive
  • If you've changed time zones and have been using bolus doses to control your blood sugar during your journey then now is the time to reintroduce your basal insulin. If you are using a very long-lasting background insulin (e. g Lantus) ensure it has been 24 hours since your last injection, otherwise you can end up "stacking" it and risking a hypo.

  • Don't expect it to be normal. You are on holiday, it might be for a week or for a year but the fact is that your daily routine will be different and your diabetes is going to have to come along for the ride. Don't panic about food, the odds are that you'll get your bearings very quickly and scope out where and what to eat within a day. If you have type 1 and you count carbohydrates then it should be easy enough. The only difference is that you'll be "guesstimating" food weights so bring maybe hone those skills a little before you leave. If you have a smartphone I would recommend the "Carbs and Cals" app, it's a carb counting guide for thousands of foods showing pictures of various portion sizes. It makes eating out very easy and is something I've often relied on when abroad. If you have type 1 and don't count carbs, then learn how. I've said it a million times, it's an essential skill for any diabetic, it'll make your management of the condition much easier and allow you'll spend a lot less time worrying about food.

Above all, don't expect to have perfect control. Look after your condition with the same consistency as you always would, but you are on holiday to enjoy yourself so don't let the odd bit of imbalance in your diabetes get in the way of that.
Enjoy your health (and your holiday!!)

Chris | YD
Chris Loughrey is the founder and head coach of A personalized diabetes coaching service.

Chris is a fully qualified diabetes coach & personal trainer and has had type 1 diabetes for over 10 years. He specializes in teaching you the skills needed to live a healthier, happier life with diabetes.
So if you want to achieve rock-solid blood sugar control or if you want to train safely and effectively for your favorite sport, visit today to see how diabetes coaching can benefit you!

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Diabetes 101: Let's Start With The Basics

If you have Type 2 diabetes, you're definitely not alone. According the American Diabetes Association (ADA), nearly 26 million Americans, or 8% of the population, have this condition. And an estimated 79 million adults have pre-diabetes. What's more, about 1 in every 400 children and adolescents has the disease. It's a serious epidemic that's only getting worse.

What Causes Diabetes?

Diabetes occurs when your pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin or when your insulin isn't working the way it should. Either way, the result is too much sugar in your blood. Here are a couple of things you should remember:

1. Don't panic! With the help of a professional healthcare team including your doctor and diabetes educator, you can live a healthy and productive life. But you should also know that diabetes is a serious disease with potentially life-threatening complications.

2. Get informed and take control. If you want to have the odds in your favor, you need to learn as much as possible about your diabetes and what actions you need to take to keep things as well controlled as possible.

Just How Serious is Diabetes?

As we said, uncontrolled diabetes can result in some very serious complications. You need to know what they are so you and your healthcare team can watch for warning signs and do everything possible to prevent these issues. The potential complications of diabetes include:
• Increased risk of cardiovascular disease (heart attacks, strokes and circulatory problems)
• Retinal (eye) damage and possible blindness
• Kidney damage, which can result in the need for dialysis and/or kidney transplantation
• Nerve damage, which can be extremely painful and also increase the risk for amputation

Can These Complications Be Prevented?

In a word, yes. Several major research studies have demonstrated conclusively that proper care can help prevent the devastating complications that often occur with diabetes. The ADA has developed the following guidelines to help you and your healthcare team manage your disease:

1. Eat a nutritious diet.
2. Get regular exercise.
3. Keep your Hemoglobin A1c (Hgb A1c) at 7% or less. New data suggests that a Hemoglobin A1c of less than 7.5% may not be indicated for some people with Type 2 diabetes. Discuss an optimal goal with your physician.
4. Maintain your blood pressure at less than 130/80 mmHg. Discuss an optimal goal with your physician.
5. Keep your LDL cholesterol at 100 mg/dl or less. For many people with Type 2 diabetes, an LDL cholesterol of 70 mg/dl or less is recommended.
6. Control your triglycerides. Discuss an optimal goal with your physician.
7. Take an aspirin daily. Confirm with your doctor that aspirin is appropriate for you.
8. Have a foot exam at each doctor visit and a monofilament exam at least once a year.
9. Have a yearly dilated eye exam.
10. Have a yearly urine microalbumin test.
11. Get a pneumonia vaccination and a yearly flu shot.
12. If you smoke cigarettes, stop.

Don't worry if you don't understand everything. Learning about diabetes is a lifelong endeavor and new information is becoming available all the time. Never hesitate to contact your healthcare team with questions or concerns.

Lee Lefton is the owner of Lefton Creative Works. He helps companies in healthcare and other industries communicate their messages in the most compelling ways that inspire people to action. Lee can be reached at or 505-995-8461

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Diabetes - Tips to Avoid the Complications of Diabetes

Controlling your diabetes with correct lifestyle choices and maintenance of your disease is important. There are a lot of complications that can result from this disease, including foot problems, nerve pain, neuropathy, and heart problems. Here are some ways to cut back on the potential that they will become a problem for you. First, drop some pounds if you are overweight, and at least 80% of all people with this condition, especially type 2, are overweight. This will help improve your condition and control those blood sugars.

Complications of Diabetes - Tips for Controlling Diabetes

Diabetes is a progressive condition that can create some dangerous complications. To avoid complications of diabetes, we must control diabetes. Controlling diabetes often requires moving from diet to tablets and eventually to insulin (in type 2 diabetes) and moving from fewer daily insulin injections to more frequent daily injections (in type 1 diabetes).

Is Diabetes Dangerous and Can It Affect My Vision?

Diabetes is on the rise in the UK and accounts for almost a tenth of the annual drugs bill in England alone. Diabetes symptoms vary, but what exactly is this chronic condition and can it damage your vision? Let's find out more!

Essential Insulin Accessories a Diabetic Cannot Live Without

If you're a diabetic, you'll realize that hygiene and sanitation are important aspect of your lifestyle. And this goes to say that apart from proper disposal of used needles a diabetic needs cotton swabs, alcohol wipes and insulin syringes. How do you keep them organized and maintain them as sterile and safe? How would you keep your insulin cool and potent?

How to Live and Cope With a Diabetic Child

If your child is diagnosed with diabetes, there is no need for you to be in distress. Juvenile diabetes is caused by genetic reasons most of the time, which explain why the parents don't get it even if they keep to almost the same diet at home with the child. The good news about juvenile diabetes is that it is a manageable disease if the child gets the right treatment.

How I Learned to Live With Juvenile Diabetes

Do you know someone that has just been diagnosed with diabetes? Here's the experiences of one teenager and how they learned to cope with being diabetic, using an insulin pump and so much more - that teenager is me!

Live Longer - Learn How to Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is the 6th leading cause of death in the US. When diabetes is left untreated it often leads to many other health complications. If you or someone you care about has been recently diagnosed with diabetes, this article will give you some foundational information to help you learn what you can do to keep this disease from deteriorating your quality of life.

Special Diabetic Diet-How To Live Healthily Again By Eating The Right Food

What exactly is a "diabetic diet"? Diabetic diets are not related to fad weight-loss diets. The word "diet" actually just refers to the food that a person eats each day. Everyone in the world who is eating is on a diet! It's kind of a surprising concept, actually. There is actually no such thing as a single "diabetic diet", because the diet that a person with diabetes follows to help manage his or her blood sugar levels is based on the same nutrition principles that any healthy person, with or without diabetes, should follow for good health.

How To Live Well With Diabetes

You can either let diabetes take control of your life, or you can take control of your diabetes. Finding out that you have an illness like this was probably upsetting, but there is so much that you can do to make sure you live a high quality of life, despite your diabetes. Continue reading this article to learn about the easy things you can do to live well with your diabetes.

Learn How to Live With Diabetes - It's Easy

Although diabetes is considered as a serious problem, it becomes easy if you know how to live with diabetes. Learning to live longer is indeed an art, and it is partly in your hands when you have some health problems. Diabetes is not a disease to cure, but it's a deficiency of hormonal secretion known as insulin. In some cases, the secretion is not potent to convert the blood sugar into energy needed for the body. Prone to this disorder, consulting your doctor is good, but there are certain things that you have to remember to help you live long with all inconveniences. In spite of many hurdles in normal life, you can have chance for survival with all hopes if you are able to keep normal blood sugar levels.

How to Live Longer With Diabetes

Although diabetes is a serious disease, you can live with it if you know how to take care of yourself. With the help of a good doctor and the right medicines, diabetics can have a long and productive life.
Many of them, in fact, have become famous.

Trying to Live With Diabetes

Living with diabetes has day to day challenges, such as fighting high and low blood sugars, and struggling to estimate the correct amount of insulin to take with every meal. Many important steps are to be taken when managing diabetes to pursue a healthy life.

How to Live a Healthy Life With Diabetes If You Eat Right

You can live a healthy life with diabetes if you eat right. If you have diabetes, it's important to eat right every day to keep your blood sugar levels low. Many diabetic persons believe that having diabetes means you must avoid sugar and carbohydrates all the time, your diet must be hundred percent protein, and prepared diabetic meals. This is not true. And in this article you will be taught how you are to eat right and live a healthy life with diabetes.

Very Early Symptoms of Adult Onset Diabetes

We often talk about adult onset diabetes but important here is to talk about early symptoms of this type of diabetes; so a person must know if he is suffering from Diabetes.
Adult onset diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in United States of America. It is a disappointing figure but good news is that 90% of these diabetics can cure their disease if they achieve the ideal weight and practice healthy living and eating habits.

Warning Symptoms Of Diabetes In Women

One of the biggest killers in the modern world is diabetes. The major reason behind this is that people suffer from the disease without knowing that something is going wrong within their bodies. This makes the disease remain uncontrolled. Men and women have different body types so both of them suffer differently with diabetes.

Diabetes - Know the Common Symptoms and Signs

If you feel tired all the time, if you're losing weight without any effort, if you feel extremely thirsty, chances are there that you're a diabetic patient. It's a condition when excess glucose is found in the blood and the body cells don't get enough glucose to perform their functions.

Living With Diabetes - Symptoms Of Diabetes

Diabetic symptoms progress with systemic approaches according to the type and progression of a diabetic condition and the duration of high levels of blood sugars. Common symptoms of higher blood sugar durations include extreme thirst and hunger, weight loss and frequent periods of urinary urgencies. These conditions are known to be associated with rapid onset of diabetes type II and should be symptoms that prompt medical testing or diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes in Men and Women

Signs of diabetes in men:

Feeling thirsty always with frequently increasing urination. This is caused as a result from the increased of glucose level that affects the filtering functionality of renal system. The kidneys takes in too much drinking water that will cause dehydration.

Cost of Diabetes Supplies Still a Major Problem in Health Care

Being diagnosed with diabetes not only weighs heavily on your personal life, but significantly affects you financially. In 2007, the national cost of diabetes was an astonishing $174 billion. Diabetics continually face an uphill battle when it comes to adequate health care coverage. In the past, companies have charged people with pre-existing conditions, like diabetes, a higher premium rate.

Is Your Diabetes Causing You Problems In The Bedroom?

Type 2 Diabetes is a disease that can interfere in achieving satisfactory sexual relationships in both men and women. The high blood sugar levels in diabetes damage these nerves and blood vessels, causing different sexual problems. Although often stimulated by intimate movies and magazines, sexual desire and sexual responses are involuntary. Autonomic nerves which control the internal organs in the body are also responsible for stimulating sexual desire and generating response to sexual stimuli. When these nerves are damaged, it cannot transmit the autonomic signals that trigger the increased blood flow in the blood vessels to the muscles in the penis for erection and the vagina for lubrication. Damage to the autonomic nerves is further aggravated with blood vessel damage.

Diabetes Vs Depression

Diabetes is a sweet disease, but let me tell you it ain't that sweet when it comes to your mood and mental health with those blood sugar spikes.
Many of us don't realize that although most of the time this condition is merely managing the physical side of things ie blood sugar control, diet and exercise... we don't look at the PSYCHOLOGICAL effects of this condition that could lead to more pain and misery in the long run.

Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes And Weight Gain

Obesity, as well as Type 2 diabetes, are both major epidemics around the world. So it is no secret the two are directly related. Type 2 diabetes seems like a contradiction since it is possible for an overweight individual not to exhibit symptoms of diabetes, just as it is possible for a slender, fit individual to develop the disease. Regardless, it is a well documented fact most Type 2 diabetics are overweight. In fact, statistics reveal 80 to 90 per cent of Type 2 diabetics are overweight or obese.

Drinking With Diabetes

It could be quite natural for every person at one point in his/her life to drink a glass or more of wine or beer whether to celebrate an occasion or just to have a good time with friends. However, if you are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, intake of alcohol could have dire consequences if not managed properly. The great news for diabetic persons is that having diabetes does not automatically ruin your chances of enjoying that party with your favorite drink. If you know how to handle your blood sugar and monitor it properly, you can still toast with friends and family when you want to.

Managing Diabetes for a Lifetime

When you find out you have diabetes, that can be shocking news. However, there is a lot you can do to manage your diabetes in a way that makes sure you have a good life in spite of the disease. This article provides you with some tips to make sure you are managing your diabetes in the most positive way you can.

Diabetes News - Use Flavonoids For Diabetic Complications

The beneficial effects of flavonoids in battling the complications of diabetes are numerous. They are even better than the nutrients vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium, and zinc, because flavonoids are more potent against a wider range of oxidants.
Diabetics who are already having signs of long-term complications can benefit from a flavonoid-rich extract. Flavonoids concentrate in specific tisses, so it is possible to take flavonoids that target specific body parts.

Diabetic Nutrition News, Comparing Popular Diets

Diabetic nutrition news has been changing our thinking about what a diabetic diet should be. But one thing has not changed, and that is the large and confusing number of diets. It does not help that every one of them has its fans and its statistics to prove it will work to help you lose weight and feel good.
So which one is best for diabetics? We'll look at a few of the popular diets and compare them. Since we all have different tastes, some will appeal to you more than others. But which ones are best for a diabetic?

Latest Diabetes News - Alarming Lifestyle Choices That Can Trigger Diabetes at Any Age

How Diabetes Relates To Your LIfestyle Choices

There are several causes of Type II diabetes, which is the most common form of diabetes that affects the adult population, including genetics, diet, obesity and lack of exercises. One of the most important causes of diabetes is the poor lifestyle choices made by the patient. Today, all over the world, the average age of onset of diabetes is decreasing at an alarming rate. In this article we will look at the causes of diabetes related to lifestyle and how leading a healthy lifestyle can keep such diseases at bay.

Understand the Options for Choosing Diabetes Medications

Do you ever wonder how your physician chooses an appropriate medication for you? Do you feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of available medications? These tips will help you understand the choices that are available. In subsequent articles, there will be more information about each class of medication.

Diabetic Nutrition News, Comparing Popular Diets

Diabetic nutrition news has been changing our thinking about what a diabetic diet should be. But one thing has not changed, and that is the large and confusing number of diets. It does not help that every one of them has its fans and its statistics to prove it will work to help you lose weight and feel good.

Glycemic Index Data Determines Diabetic Diet

Most current diets are based on lowering carbohydrate intake, and carbohydrate counting has been a big part of it. So, how can we easily and effectively apply carb counting to our diabetic diet? Glycemic Index data will help.

Type 2 Diabetes - A New Drug to Help in the Treatment of Diabetes

Excreting sugar in your urine is one sign of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. In earlier times it was used for making the diagnosis. It indicates blood sugar levels are so high that when the blood passes through the kidneys for cleansing some of the sugar, instead of being saved, goes out into the urine. One way of assessing diabetes control is by testing for sugar in the urine.

Diabetes and Alcohol: A Realistic Approach

It's unrealistic to think that everyone with diabetes must only eat and drink what is good for them. We all need a little bit of badness in our lives and this often comes from a drink or two (or three, or four, or more!). But if you have insulin dependent diabetes it can be a difficult thing to get right.

Is ADD or ADD/ADHD A Big Fat Lie?

Pesticides have been linked to the dramatic increase in ADD/ADHD. Lowered children's IQs, increased problems focusing and solving problems, as well as reduced physical coordination are linked to exposure to organophosphates between pregnancy and grade school, studies show. And some common items in your child's diet make it worse.

Is It Possible to Cure Diabetes

Do you yearn to have a normal life again without diabetes?

Would you jump at the chance to quit sticking your fingers with needles and discontinue all those sickening drugs? And to end your worries about diabetic heart attack, amputations or blindness? Yes? Then this news is going to make your day, because the diabetes cure we desperately need is here. Yes, you heard correctly. A true blue cure for diabetes exists here and now. It's been proven to work on thousands of actual diabetes patients. It requires no drugs, no surgery, no medical interventions and no weird diets. And it's so absurdly inexpensive that it's virtually free.

Is HbA1C Really a Diabetic Lie Detector?

Millions of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics are told that their doctors have a means of telling whether those blood sugar levels they so carefully test every day are truthfully recorded. Diabetics are threatened and cajoled with the promise of a "lie detector," HbA1C, which measures the long-term average of blood sugar levels over a period of about 120 days. But is this measure really useful in that way?

Diabetes - A Truth and a Lie

I was recently doing some surfing on the net, with particular regard for information on type 2 diabetes.

I was diagnosed with this disease over 2 years ago, and after visiting my doctor and trying to control my diabetes with diet and medication, it soon became apparent that this was insufficient, and I was moved onto taking insulin by injection, as well as continuing to take medication.

Potent Foods Which Help In Combating Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes is one of the common and dangerous diseases which is fast spreading like an epidemic all over the world. Diabetes in itself is not life threatening but it is the other health problems that accompany it which make it very dangerous. Some of the health disorders which diabetes patients suffer are chronic illness, obesity, heart diseases, eye problems which can even lead to blindness.

7 Biggest Myths About Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the many "diseases of civilization," with interaction of genetic, nutritional and sociocultural factors, among others, that result in one of the highest-prevalence pathologies in today's world. Diabetes is essentially a metabolic disorder caused by the little or no ability of the pancreas to produce insulin.

The Myths Surrounding Diabetes - Let's Separate Fact From Fiction

Today more than 23 million Americans have diabetes. Despite the fact that there is much attention focused on this disease, myths continually surface. This article discusses 5 commonly held beliefs that simply are not true. When it comes to diabetes, having the facts is the first step toward taking control.

Myths About Diabetes - Don't Be Confused With Threatening Words

Myths and diabetes are taken for comparison and contrast by many people in own experience.

Diabetes is mythically threatening with 60% incidence in the total population of the world though the percentage varies with countries. It is really pathetic and alarming to hear that the chance of diabetes with middle age is increasing steadily in spite of advanced technologies being initiated in medical history. This is due to some myths that diabetes cannot be cured completely but only be maintained with normal blood sugar level. Such aboriginal myths about diabetes should first be uprooted from everyone's mind. The channels for doubts and degenerating thoughts as folk myths should be closed.

10 Myths and Facts About Diabetes

1. People with Diabetes cannot play sports or exercise.
Completely untrue.

Fact: Exercise is an essential part of a diabetic management program. The maintenance of a healthy weight and fitness level are key factors in living a long and fulfilling life as a diabetic.

Top Seven Diabetes Myths Debunked

Diabetes myths can make diabetes management more difficult. Many people tend to believe and act on myths related to diet, weight management and overall lifestyle, which can aggravate the condition. The fact is that almost all diabetes myths are without any basis. Diabetes management must be solely guided by sound medical and nutritional advice. Also, a sound knowledge of diabetes will help you keep it at bay.

The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Mortality in Persons With Diabetes Mellitus

We've always been advised to be exercise. According to experts an active lifestyle prevents obesity and chronic illnesses; an important way to lose and maintain weight; helps with stress; and enhances our over-all well-being. In fact, it had long been touted as having a very significant impact on the management of diabetes mellitus. However, there had been no conclusive evidences or scientific studies to prove that it does have a positive impact or effect on the two types of diabetes.

Top 10 Positive Things About Diabetes

Diabetes is not all gloom and doom. There are some positive things about Diabetes. Knowing them helps one cope better. Obviously there are many health related positives like weight loss, regular diet, but there is more to it than just health. Let's look at some key takeaways about Diabetes.

The Effects of Diabetes

Diabetes is being a huge health problem. Many people suffer from diabetes and the other medical side effects it cause. An early diagnosis of diabetes can help a person to avoid serious related diseases. The earlier diabetes is caught the easy it is for doctors to monitor the patients overall health, thus preventing any further medical problems.

Good Energy Food for Diabetics

As you should be aware, diabetes is a condition where the level of sugar in the blood of a person is abnormally high, and must be controlled to avoid serious health conditions. Therefore, diet plays an important role in controlling diabetes by keeping blood sugar at appropriate levels. To find energy foods for diabetics, it is essential to consider several things such as limiting the intake of refined carbohydrates, sugar, etc. If you're wondering what foods are safe to consume that help to acquire the energy for diabetics then take a look at the following list of foods.

The Right Exercise for Diabetics

No one can underestimate the benefits of a good workout. Even for people with Type 2 Diabetes, regular exercise is a saving grace to maintain good health despite the setbacks of this illness. Any diabetic can attest to the fact that exercise is a primary prevention for increased level of blood sugar in the body. Not only can it maintain a healthy glucose level but it also decreases the amount of body fat which is often experienced by many type 2 diabetics. Exercise also helps in managing the stress experienced with diabetes as it could suck out all the energy, emotions and spirit of the person with this disease.

Type 2 Diabetes - This Could Be A New Testing Method for Diagnosing Diabetic Kidney Disease Early!

One of the most serious complications of Type 2 diabetes is kidney disease, or nephropathy. Too much sugar in your blood can cause your kidneys to:
  • filter too much blood too fast,
  • to leak protein into your urine, and
  • to be unable to filter out waste from your body.
When high blood sugar is caught early it can be treated, making dialysis and kidney transplants unnecessary.

Type 2 Diabetes - Diet, Weight Loss and Blood Fats In Diabetes

One of the complications associated with Type 2 diabetes is a high level of fats in the blood, which can lead to heart attacks. Researchers at Seoul National University in South Korea compared diets and blood fats in a group of adults with Type 2 diabetes, and reported their results in the Journal of Korean Medical Science in March 2012.

Food Nutrition for a Diabetic - Why Weight Loss Is Difficult

If you suffer from diabetes then you'll have to be very careful about what you eat. While it is a well-known fact that you have to curtail the amount of sugars and refined carbohydrates you eat, you'll also have to watch your weight. Weight loss is a pre-requisite for healthy life, especially for a diabetic person but this is generally very difficult to achieve. This is almost always because of insulin resistance. The kind of food nutrition a diabetic person gets ought to be different from what regular people get since it will have to take the body's resistance to insulin into account.

Prediabetes and Obesity, the Truth About Losing Weight

The link between prediabetes and obesity has been proven. Of course, every obese person is not a type 2 diabetic, and it is possible to be diabetic without being overweight.

But obesity increases the risk of developing prediabetes. As obesity becomes a world-wide problem the link cannot be ignored.

Six Diabetic Weight Loss Mistakes - Avoid Them and Lose Weight

Type 2 diabetic weight loss mistakes will make an already difficult path much harder. If you get discouraged and quit, the consequences to your health and quality of life are much too high a price to pay.

Type 2 diabetes is the result of insulin resistance, and that in itself can cause more weight gain. On top of this, every medication you were given to control your blood sugar adds to weight gain, including injecting insulin.

Overweight And Not Motivated? How To Avoid Diabetes, And Heart Disease, By Learning How To Diet

Most overweight folks would like to lose weight but haven't been truly motivated. In part, this is because we don't know how to go about it. This information is readily available so there must be something else contributing to our complacency about obesity. That "something else" is that we do not take the threat of obesity-related diseases seriously. Warnings are typically not personalized.
Let's take a look at some of the common "collateral damage" associated with obesity. And, consider how one of these diseases would impact your life and family.

A Promising New Diabetes Prevention Strategy

The Brd2 gene is a promising new target in diabetes prevention. Researchers succeeded in preventing diabetes in high risk groups by inhibiting the expression (or activation) of the gene. Activating the gene seems to trigger sugar cravings and promote hunger, in order to meet the brain's high energy demands.
It's believed that the Brd2 gene is very active in high risk individuals. Influencing the activity of genes like Bdr2 is a promising new genetic target for diabetes prevention.

Fish Oil and Diabetes Prevention - What Is the Connection?

The increasing number of people getting diagnosed with diabetes has caused health experts much alarm. Unhealthy diets, junk food, and unhealthy lifestyles do not seem to help statistics at all. This has prompted studies that hope to reduce the incidence of diabetes. A series of related studies have been done on fish oil and diabetes prevention, and so far, there have been fairly good results discovered.

Teaching a Diabetes Prevention Diet - Slash the Sugar

Diabetes is attributed to an enormous public health and social burden. Excessive use of sugar has been known to increase incidences of type 2 diabetes and obesity. According to the studies, there are already millions of individual that are diabetics and might exceed to 350 million by year 2030 which sounds alarming, does not it. Sugar is a natural substance and a basic food carbohydrate that provides us energy or fuel for everyday activity. This is a disease where the pancreas (a part of digestive organ) is unable to secrete enough insulin. Teaching diabetes prevention diet is a continuous process.

Diabetes - Prevention is Better Than Cure

Diabetes mellitus commonly called diabetes is a health condition which occurs when the blood sugar (glucose) level in the body rises and the pancreas is unable to produce sufficient insulin to balance the sugar level or the body does not use the insulin produced to balance the sugar level in the body. Without this proper balancing diabetes and a number of related complications like heart disease, stroke, blindness, high blood pressure, kidney failure, to name a few, may occur.