Fish Oil and Diabetes Prevention - What Is the Connection?

The increasing number of people getting diagnosed with diabetes has caused health experts much alarm. Unhealthy diets, junk food, and unhealthy lifestyles do not seem to help statistics at all. This has prompted studies that hope to reduce the incidence of diabetes. A series of related studies have been done on fish oil and diabetes prevention, and so far, there have been fairly good results discovered.
It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are considered responsible for the many health benefits it provides. As of date, there seems to be no confirmed explanation as to how it helps in preventing diabetes. However, there is sufficient evidence that suggests that omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA may improve the sensitivity of insulin receptors. This can help a great deal in the prevention of type II diabetes as this increased sensitivity can help glucose find its way easier into muscle cells for proper functioning. The exact mechanism as to how or why DHA and EPA helps in the process is still poorly understood, but research studies on this and diabetes prevention is currently underway.
Fish Oil and Diabetes for Existing Sufferers
There is so much more that it can do for individuals diagnosed with diabetes. As you know, diabetes sufferers have significantly higher risk for developing cardiovascular problems and heart disease. Type 2 diabetes sufferers are estimated to be at 6 to 8 times more risk than people who don't non-diabetics. Fish oil for diabetes can help because its omega-3 fatty acid content can remarkably lower blood pressure, bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while reducing the risk of clogged arteries that may lead to heart attack. Omega-3 fatty acids can make the veins and the arteries more elastic, which make it easier for diabetics to process sugar and control the onset of the illness.
A large study on this for diabetes has found that taking in at least one gram of it per day can significantly reduce cardiovascular mortality by as much as 30% and decreases the risk of heart attack by 45%. For diabetes sufferers, these statistics are surely good news.
There are certain uncontrollable factors that can increase your risk of developing diabetes, and there are those you can control. But through all these, you must remember that there are certain things found in nature that you can take advantage of to protect you from certain diseases - and such is proven by fish oil for diabetes. Make sure you don't miss out on that chance of leading a healthier heart, mind and body - make omega-3 fish oil a part of your daily diet today.
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