A Promising New Diabetes Prevention Strategy

The Brd2 gene is a promising new target in diabetes prevention. Researchers succeeded in preventing diabetes in high risk groups by inhibiting the expression (or activation) of the gene. Activating the gene seems to trigger sugar cravings and promote hunger, in order to meet the brain's high energy demands.
It's believed that the Brd2 gene is very active in high risk individuals. Influencing the activity of genes like Bdr2 is a promising new genetic target for diabetes prevention.

Fish Oil and Diabetes Prevention - What Is the Connection?

The increasing number of people getting diagnosed with diabetes has caused health experts much alarm. Unhealthy diets, junk food, and unhealthy lifestyles do not seem to help statistics at all. This has prompted studies that hope to reduce the incidence of diabetes. A series of related studies have been done on fish oil and diabetes prevention, and so far, there have been fairly good results discovered.

Teaching a Diabetes Prevention Diet - Slash the Sugar

Diabetes is attributed to an enormous public health and social burden. Excessive use of sugar has been known to increase incidences of type 2 diabetes and obesity. According to the studies, there are already millions of individual that are diabetics and might exceed to 350 million by year 2030 which sounds alarming, does not it. Sugar is a natural substance and a basic food carbohydrate that provides us energy or fuel for everyday activity. This is a disease where the pancreas (a part of digestive organ) is unable to secrete enough insulin. Teaching diabetes prevention diet is a continuous process.

Diabetes - Prevention is Better Than Cure

Diabetes mellitus commonly called diabetes is a health condition which occurs when the blood sugar (glucose) level in the body rises and the pancreas is unable to produce sufficient insulin to balance the sugar level or the body does not use the insulin produced to balance the sugar level in the body. Without this proper balancing diabetes and a number of related complications like heart disease, stroke, blindness, high blood pressure, kidney failure, to name a few, may occur.

A Focused Look at Native American Diabetes - History and Prevention

The world is facing a new epidemic; type II diabetes. It is vital that smaller groups that have already faced an epidemic of type II diabetes be researched to learn what can be done to help reduce the treatment and to identify what is not worth repeating. Type II diabetes is also know as adult-onset diabetes and it often comes later in life. Native American populations have long faced a greatly increased percentage of type II diabetes. In fact the Pima natives of Arizona have the highest rate of type II diabetes in the world (Wheelwright). They know well that it is a deadly disease. By looking both at the history that has led up to the current diabetes epidemic in native populations and the preventative methods and their relative success rate, world health organizations could better prepare to help reduce the severity of the inevitable diabetes epidemic. National health care associations should begin a world wide prevention program for type II diabetes based on the experience of a population (Native Americans) that has already undergone such an epidemic like this before.

Diabetes and Heart Disease: The Top 4 Steps for Prevention

lthough people with diabetes are often focused on controlling blood sugar levels, management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is equally important. CVD includes heart disease (i.e heart attacks), peripheral vascular disease (PVD) and cerebral vascular disease (i.e. strokes). This group of diseases accounts for 70% of deaths in people with diabetes. Heart attacks, also known as myocardial infarctions or MI's, are 2-3 times more common in people with diabetes. People with Type 2 diabetes have the same risk of a MI as someone without diabetes who has already had a MI. MI's tend to be more serious in diabetics with a greater risk of post-MI complications and death. 1/3 of diabetics have no symptoms with their heart attack. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of MI's is thus very difficult. Prevention of a complication which is common, serious, and often asymptomatic, is a critical goal.

Type 2 Diabetes - Do Carrots Have a Place in a Diabetic Eating Plan?

If you have Type 2 diabetes, there are a few vitamins that can help you in the control of your blood sugar and in the prevention of diabetic complications.
We all know how important it is to eat a healthy diet of fruit and vegetables... even if we don't always do it. But some vitamins are particularly helpful to the diabetic body. One of these is vitamin A.

Gestational Diabetes Management and Prevention Guide

A type of diabetes whereby the blood sugar level of a woman goes up when she is pregnant but comes back to normal after delivery is called Gestational Diabetes. Medicines alone are not enough for curing gestational diabetes. One must care for oneself as well as one's baby with the help of advice from the nurse, diabetes, a qualified dietitian, and any other professional health care advisers. With the required information, one can have a successful and healthy baby. Food and proper exercise can have curative effect on the blood sugar level and help to protect one from gestational diabetes.

Fish Oil And Diabetes Prevention For Baby Boomers

As baby boomers, the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes becomes a real threat in our lives, and prevention becomes critical. The good news is that we know there is a definite link between fish oil and diabetes prevention.
Type 2 diabetes is linked with other problems, such as high cholesterol, and hypertension, and obesity, which our entire society seems is suffering with.

Fish Oil And Diabetes Prevention For Baby Boomers

As baby boomers, the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes becomes a real threat in our lives, and prevention becomes critical. The good news is that we know there is a definite link between fish oil and diabetes prevention.
Type 2 diabetes is linked with other problems, such as high cholesterol, and hypertension, and obesity, which our entire society seems is suffering with.

The Importance of Preventing Diabetes

Diabetes prevention is one of the most important aspects of diabetes, as there is a saying that the best cure is prevention. This counts for every disease especially for diabetes which is a chronic disorder that possesses a lot of possible devastating complications when it remains neglected and untreated. On the other hand diabetes can be prevented as well as managed properly as soon as you are diagnosed for having diabetes.
So, what is actually diabetes prevention all about?

Alternative Health - Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Program!

You may be wondering if it's really possible to prevent type 2 diabetes. If three or four of your family members are already diabetics, even though some of them lived healthy lifestyles, you may be shaking your head and thinking that if they didn't avoid type 2 diabetes, how can you?

Type 2 Diabetes - Sleep and Diabetes Prevention!

For some people, the key to better weight control might just lie in a good night's sleep. There are a series of hormonal reactions to lack of sleep that could play a role: in increased cortisol and lower growth hormone, for example. Studies published as early as 2007 have associated sleep deprivation with Type 2 diabetes. Recent studies show associations with metabolic syndrome and insulin secretion.

Type 2 Diabetes - How Vitamin D Affects Diabetes Prevention and Care

A few years ago it seemed that we finally had an answer to why the Western world was so fat and disease-stricken: vitamin D deficiency. Nearly every doctor and nutritionist in the land was touting the magical health benefits of this particular vitamin. "Fix your low levels of vitamin D," they'd say "and watch you diabetes and heart disease melt away like snow in the desert.

Childhood Diabetes Obesity

Childhood diabetes obesity has reached widespread proportions worldwide which are almost 22 millions under five years of age. Obesity is one of the most dangerous and popular illnesses in the world these days. Too much weight is causing other serious problems. These problems are backbone illnesses, heart attacks, problems with muscles and respiratory and the worst is diabetes. Children now are suffering from obesity. Their organisms are not so strong and very young, so too much weigh will be a big problem for them. There are many reasons of childhood obesity and of course there are many options in dealing with this issue.

Factors in Cure and Prevention of Diabetes

Cure and prevention of diabetes can best be accomplished by managing a few factors. Many drug companies are investing billions into finding a cure for this disease but in the meantime there are factors that each individual has under their own control to cure or prevent this chronic disease.

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Studies Are Providing Valuable Proof

Type 2 diabetes prevention
As in most cases a little prudence and diligence will go a long way in preventing the advancement of diabetes mellitus, this is especially if you are in the pre-diabetes stage or have type 1 diabetes. It is a known fact that someone suffering from the symptoms of diabetes can actually prevent type 2 diabetes from developing.

Pre Diabetes Diet for Prevention

Aside from type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes, there is also a condition called Pre diabetes. In this article, you will learn about:
A. What pre diabetes is
B. The pre diabetes diet
Like any other diseases, pre-diabetes will progress and turn into full blown disease if you don't know how to correct this condition. Learn what it is and how to take care of yourself when you have this. Read this article and be informed.

Diabetic Nephropathy - Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Diabetic nephropathy is a kidney disease that is caused by diabetes. You may be diabetic nephropathy when there is much inflammation, glucose, and also acid waste in the bloodstream so that the small capillaries feeding into the kidneys will be clogged. The accumulation of acid waste will ultimately damage kidney cells.

Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes

If you look at it statistically, sugar consumption of Americans and the population percentage with Type II (Adult) diabetes, you'll pretty much notice that it's one is to one. Therefore, there is the need to prevent and to treat diabetes as much as possible and as soon as possible.

3 Diabetes Mellitus Prevention Measures

The Prevention of diabetes mellitus may be seen as a heavy economic burden on the society, which may be an obstacle to their implementation. However, the costs of the treatment of diabetes mellitus and its complications are so high that prevention would be beneficial in economic terms quite apart from the benefits to the health of individuals and society.

Type 2 Diabetes - Prevention and Treatment of The Metabolic Syndrome

The Metabolic Syndrome is much like Type 2 diabetes, and many people have both conditions. The Metabolic Syndrome is defined as central obesity which is thought to be one of the earliest steps and of central importance in the development of the syndrome, plus at least two of any of the following risk factors:

Prevention Methods for Type II Diabetes

Studies have shown that lifestyle changes can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes in people with a high risk. Some of the most common strategies include:
• Eating a good diet. Dietitians typically recommend a balanced diet low in sugar, high in fiber, low in saturated fats, and adequate in monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fats and protein.

Diabetes Mellitus - Prevention and Risk Management

Diabetes Mellitus, or diabetes, is a disease that is caused by the body's inability to turn sugars into energy. Diabetes causes the sugars that your body does not turn into energy to enter your blood stream and causes your kidneys, which filter the blood, to work harder than is necessary. If your kidneys cannot properly filter the sugars from your blood, the result is more frequent urination, dehydration, and loss of energy.

Causes and Prevention of Diabetes

There is a ton of information on what causes diabetes and lots of ways to prevent it. So the question is, why is this disease increasing at an alarming rate? Plus you now have kids that are getting diabetes too, so what is the problem? Lets look at some of the issues.
You can guess one problem right off the bat, it's discipline.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure for Cat Diabetes

Feline (Cat) Diabetes - found predominantly in older obese male cats - This can be either type 1 or 2 diabetes the same as in humans. Type 1 is caused by insufficient insulin produced by the pancreas and Type 2 is the inability of the body's cells to efficiently handle insulin.

Practical Diabetes Prevention Tips

As the saying goes, 'An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure'. This holds true with so many healthcare conditions. Why wait for you to be diagnosed and have to spend so much trying to cure yourself, when you can begin by working to prevent being struck by the disease. Don't wait until it's too late. Do something now.

Diabetes: 5 Steps for Prevention

We are in the midst of a diabetes epidemic in the United States.The prevalence of diabetes has tripled since 1990. 8% of Americans now have diabetes. 20% of Americans have prediabetes. Within 10 years, 20% of these people will have developed diabetes. The good news is that progression to Type 2 diabetes may be slowed, and perhaps prevented.

Diabetes Causes and Prevention For Your Healthy Long Life

Diabetes is a disease which cannot be cured and it is a serious and lifelong disease. We cannot cure it completely but if the level of blood sugar is controlled completely then complications of this disease can be prevented or delayed.
Diabetes is a disease which prevents our body from properly converting foods into the energy which is required for our daily activity. When we eat something our body changes most of the food into a form of the sugar called glucose. For our body it is the main source of fuel. The presence of insulin is necessary for the glucose to get into cells. If our body does not make enough insulin then the glucose can't get into our cells and remains in our blood only. When the level of glucose in the blood gets too high then it results into diabetes.
Over the years when the level of blood glucose remains high in the blood it damage nerves and blood cells. This condition leads to different types of complications like heart disease and stroke, kidney disease, blindness, nerve damage, gum infections and lower limb amputation.
There are mainly three forms of diabetes - type 1, type 2 and gestational. Type1 diabetes is related with genetic factors and environment factors like viruses etc. The most common form of diabetes is type 2 that is linked with obesity, high blood pressure, high levels of bad cholesterol known as triglycerides and low levels of good cholesterol known as high density lipoprotein (HDL). In this condition usually the pancreas produces some insulin but not as much as required and gradually it goes on decreasing.
There are some preventive measures which must be taken to avoid diabetes -
1. You must maintain your body weight to be an ideal. For this it is must to do regular exercises. It is very necessary for a diabetic person to remain physically fit if it is possible. Exercises which are related with heart and lungs help the person to reduce the level of blood glucose which causes diabetes.
2. Proper medication and opinion of a doctor is also essential for a diabetic people.
3. A diabetic must follow a strict diet program. If diet is not proper of a diabetic people then there may be increase level of sugar. If a person is overweight then it is recommended to lose weight.
There are many preventive measures which can be adopted with proper awareness and information. The most important things for diabetic person are healthy diet and regular exercise.
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Diabetes Causes and Prevention

Diabetes is a disease that affects the body natural ability to change carbohydrates and sugars into energy. There is no known cause for the onset of diabetes. However, there are certain factors that place a person at higher risk of contracting diabetes.