Alternative Health - Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Program!

You may be wondering if it's really possible to prevent type 2 diabetes. If three or four of your family members are already diabetics, even though some of them lived healthy lifestyles, you may be shaking your head and thinking that if they didn't avoid type 2 diabetes, how can you?
This is especially true in those who watched brothers or sisters that were health fanatics suffer from type 2 diabetes. These siblings may have expounded on the benefits of vegetarianism or soy milk, tofu, tofu turkeys and other such foods over the years, and were devastated themselves by a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.
However, if you were in a completely different environment... with brothers and sisters that were alternative health practitioners that were successful at reversing diabetes, then you wouldn't be wondering if it's possible to prevent diabetes at all. Instead, you would invite them over for dinner, ask them questions, call them more than usual and even schedule more family time with them, just to find out how they reverse diabetes. You would want their opinion because you know you could trust it; they would be one of your new trusted sources.
The truth is that diabetic prevention and reversal plans do exist. Every alternative health practitioner that works with diabetics and is successful at helping them reduce their medication knows what the steps are. On the contrary, most health care practitioners are not familiar with the changes that must be made in order to have a high success rate with diabetics and a high success rate with diabetic family members in the prevention of diabetes.
The basic foundation of a diabetic prevention plan starts with your eating plan.
You may be told it's important to limit carbohydrates in your diet, but this is wrong information.
You need to:
  • avoid trans fat: the type of fat you eat plays an important part in your risk of type 2 diabetes. Insulin needs to communicate with receptors on your cell membranes so that it can escort glucose into you cells. Your cell membranes are predominantly made of fatty acids. Having trans fatty acids in your cell membranes does not allow insulin to work properly leading to insulin resistance. Trans fat is found in margarine, cooking oils, and foods containing these, eg. biscuits donuts, cakes, processed and fast food
  • increase fiber to 25-30g everyday: one of the most important food groups to start eating are high-fiber foods. Fiber slows down the absorption of glucose in your intestinal tract. Therefore fiber in a meal lowers the glycemic index of a meal by slowing down the rise in blood sugar that occurs after eating carbohydrates. You find fiber in vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, legumes, and grains
  • reduce your carbohydrate intake: favor foods with a low glycemic index. Food with a high GI releases sugar into your bloodstream quickly. For example, white bread has a high GI and has a pronounced effect on your blood sugar level. Rye bread on the other hand, has a low GI and enters your bloodstream slowly. Nearly all fruits are low GI, as are green leafy vegetables, beans, lentils and peas, yams and sweet potatoes, barley, bulgur, oatmeal and bran cereals
  • add chromium and magnesium: people who develop type 2 diabetes are more likely to be deficient in nutrients that can inhibit their insulin from working properly.
Your eating plan is central to your diabetes prevention program.
Would you like more information about alternative ways to handle your type 2 diabetes?
To download your free copy of my E-Book, click here now: Answers to Your Questions... its based on questions many diabetics have asked me over recent months.
Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your type 2 diabetes.

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