Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes

If you look at it statistically, sugar consumption of Americans and the population percentage with Type II (Adult) diabetes, you'll pretty much notice that it's one is to one. Therefore, there is the need to prevent and to treat diabetes as much as possible and as soon as possible.
Diabetes is a disease that results from too much sugar. Once it is there, you can no longer control it. Least you can do is preventing it from happening. Keep your body fat percentage at a low level. Those who are obese are the ones at risk in getting diabetes. Eat small portons during meals and control where you get your sugar.
Doctors claim that a factor why people get diabetes is what they eat. Truth be told, there is no diet that applies to everyone. There is not even a single diet that is appropriate for one person the whole time. In order for you to know what's right for you and what's not, you have to pay close attention to genetics. Example: Italians love pepperoni pizza. African American prefers pork rinds. But that does not mean that one culture cannot enjoy the other's viands.
Important thing you should look at in your diet to prevent diabetes is that there should be low sugar. Do not eat too much processed carbohydrates. Do not eat heavy meals two hours before you sleep.Regulate your intake of fat, carbohydrates and proteins. Nutritionists suggest that the ratio be 30/40/30. Notice that sugar is not included. Eat 5 to 6 small meals in a day. Start your day with a high-protein breakfast.
On to the other side of the spectrum, let's say that you already have diabetes. The least you can do is treat it in whichever way possible. Avoid fat-free foods. These will only make your insulin go up and down erratically. Plus you'll be putting on fat.
For those who have Type II Diabetes, do not eat enriched flour, bleached flour, white floor or any kind of wheat flour for that matter. These other kinds of flour have glycemic effects that can probably work against your health. Try to chow down varieties of grain flour. Examples of two good flours are soy and amaranth. Instead of oatmeal, eat oat groats. In a nutshell, get grains that are least-processed. This applies to everyone, disregarding the genetics. In doing this, you get to keep your insulin level stable.
This is something our parents used to tell us when we were kids but it remains to be true to those who have diabetes: drink lots of water. If you can, fill up a jug with one gallon twice a day. Make sure you drink this. The very minute you achieve the leanness that you are aiming for, revert to one gallon. For fat loss, you can replace it with water by drinking it chilled (not too cold).
Just make sure that you do not skip meals. It is preferable to have 5 to 6 small meals in a day. You do not have to be satisfied completely. The minute you catch yourself eating too much because of boredom or anxiety, stop.
Exercise is also helpful. Build up muscle and burn the unwanted fat. Live a lean lifestyle and you will be able to cope well with diabetes. We suggest walking. It is a great exercise. Try doing it every day so that you can increase your blood sugar as well as your metabolic rate. You will also burn the extra calories even when you are right in front of the computer all day or sleeping soundly in your bed. Take the stairs and not the elevator. Park a couple of block away from the place you actually want to visit and walk the final distance.
For prevention treatment of diabetes, you have to pay close attention to every action you do. Burn as many calories as you possibly can. They say that prevention is better than cure, so if you can prevent diabetes before it takes hold, then you won't have to face the hassles and the troubles treating it.
Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to:

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