Causes and Prevention of Diabetes

There is a ton of information on what causes diabetes and lots of ways to prevent it. So the question is, why is this disease increasing at an alarming rate? Plus you now have kids that are getting diabetes too, so what is the problem? Lets look at some of the issues.
You can guess one problem right off the bat, it's discipline.
Are we just ignoring all the information out there or is it we just don't care? It has to be one or the other. When you have vending machines filled with candy, snacks and other fast food goodies it becomes quick and easy foods.
The Battle Within
You don't want to wait until you get diabetes to do something about it, you want to change things before hand. Easier said than done right? Well, how about just taking one step at a time, start with supplements that can help balance your diet. Keep in mind a supplement is just that, it's not meant to be a meal replacement its supplementing what you are lacking.
Since each of us require different things to balance us out, you'll need to consult with a nutritionist if you can. You can also do this yourself and there are generic blends of supplements that you can try too. The problem with diabetes is you don't want to aggravate it with anything that might cause your pancreas more stress.
Immune System
It's amazing how many ailments are traced back to our immune system.
Type 1 diabetes is a permanent condition. You will frequently read about how your immune system will attack the pancreas and destroy its ability to produce insulin. This is irreversible, but is it preventable?
Of course diet and exercise can support your immune system and take stress off your pancreas, but this doesn't fully answer the question of prevention.
Our immune system is still a mystery to science. You have many conditions, with the worse being AIDS, that results from a malfunctioning immune system. There is never a guarantee that you won't be affected, but it won't hurt to support and be aware of how diabetes works.
Take the time to look a little closer at this.
Go to Diabetes Causes find out the various things that can trigger diabetes conditions.
You will find other information about diabetes at the Diabetes Diary. Some of your concerns are answered there.

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